Trade Development

The global trade of chemicals benefits all partners and citizens by stimulating competition, innovation, and production efficiency. The EU27 chemical industry, a key player in the global market, has historically enjoyed a significant trade surplus, averaging €43 bn in the past decade (2011-2021). In the past years, EU27 chemicals surplus has experienced dramatic fluctuations; having plummeted from €35.5 billion in 2021 to €3.2 billion in 2022, before bouncing back to €35.2 bn in 2023, reaching almost 2021 levels.

Europe’s reliance on foreign suppliers has increased: While the US is the first export destination for EU-made chemicals, China has become the first source of imports to the EU27 area for chemicals: between 2013 and 2023, the share of chemicals from China in EU27 imports has increased from about 8% to 18%.

EU27 chemicals trade surplus bounced back to 2021 levels

Extra-EU27 chemicals trade balance

__FactsandFigures2024_ch2_1_Extra-EU27 chemical trade balance

Petrochemicals dominates import & specialty chemicals dominates export in 2023

Extra-EU27 chemicals trade flows by sector (2023)

__FactsandFigures2024_ch2_2_Extra-EU27 chemical trade flows by sector

in 2023, US is the first export country for the eu27

EU27 chemicals trade flows with top 20 partners (2023)

__FactsandFigures2024_ch2_3_EU27 chemical trade flows with top 20 partners, 2022

in 2023, china is the first import country for the eu27

EU27 chemicals import flows with top 20 partners, (2023)

__FactsandFigures2024_ch2_4_EU27 chemicals import flows with top 20 partners, (2023)

Consumer chemicals contribute most to EU27 chemical trade surplus

Extra-EU27 chemicals trade balance

__FactsandFigures2024_ch2_5_Extra-EU27 chemicals trade balance

Chemicals accounts for 9.3% of eu27 manufacturing exports

Top 10: extra-EU27 manufacturing exports by sector (2023, €bn)

__FactsandFigures2024_ch2_6_Top 10: extra-EU27 manufacturing exports by sector (2023, €bn)

Chemicals accounts for 9.9% of eu27 manufacturing imports

Top 10: extra-EU27 manufacturing imports by sector (2023, €bn)

__FactsandFigures2024_ch2_7_Top 10: extra-EU27 manufacturing imports by sector (2023, €bn)

china continues to gain share in the global chemicalm export

Chemical exports by region: EU27, china and USA

__FactsandFigures2024_ch2_8_Chemical exports by region: EU27, china and USA

china continues to gain share in the global chemicalm export

Share of world chemical exports: eu27, China and USA

__FactsandFigures2024_ch2_8_Share of worl chemical exports: eu27, China and USA

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Profile Growth And CompetitivenessOur Contribution To EU27 Industry Energy Consumption Capital & R&I SpendingEnvironmental Performance