
Chemical (trends) monthly report – September 2024

List of signatories to the REACH Dossier Improvement Action Plan

A 9-point action plan for the European Chemical Industry’s Innovation Leadership

Joint Statement on biogenic carbon accounting in Product Environmental Footprint (PEF)

Chemical (trends) monthly report – August 2024

Cefic View Paper on the revision of the EU Drug Precursor regulations

Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) Sectoral Guidance for target-setting in the chemical industry

Chemical (trends) monthly report – June 2024

Joint Statement for an Ambitious FP10: Investing in Europe’s Future Competitiveness through Collaborative Research, Development, and Innovation

Joint Statement from Cefic, WindEurope, EUROFER, Eurometaux, and CEMBUREAU: Advancing the Green Deal. Setting a new Industrial Deal. Securing Europe’s Prosperity

Letter to Commissioner Sinkevicius on EU deforestation (EUDR)

Chemical (trends) monthly report – May 2024

5th annual report | Cefic 2024 progress report on REACH Dossier Improvement Action Plan

Cefic Views on Facilitating Industrial Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Deployment

Potential for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) deployment in the Chemical Industry

A study paper on the potential for Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) deployment in the Chemical Industry

Chemical (trends) monthly report – April 2024

Chemical (trends) monthly report – March 2024

2023 ends on a weak note for the chemicals industry in Europe

List of Cefic Partner Associations

European associations representing sectors linked to the European chemical industry

Safe and Sustainable by-Design: a guidance to unleash the transformative power of innovation

Chemical (trends) monthly report – January 2024

2023 ends on a weak note for the chemicals industry in Europe

List of Cefic Business Members companies (ABM)

Sectoral businesses with a production base in Europe and a worldwide turnover in chemicals of less than euro 1 billion.

List of Cefic Corporate Members (ACOM)

Corporations with a production base in Europe and a worldwide turnover in chemicals of more than euro 1 billion.

European business calls for deepening the EU Single Market and renewing the dynamic of European integration | Joint statement

A roadmap to leverage innovation for a climate-neutral and competitive Europe | Cefic white paper

Responsible Care Webtool promotion flyer (pdf)

Responsible Care Webtool promotion flyer (print)

Chemical (trends) monthly report – December 2023

List of Cefic sector groups and industry sector

List of Cefic sector groups

Joint industry coalition statement in support of the EU-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement

Joint industry recommendations – How to read the Assessment of Regulatory Needs (ARN) reports?

Revision of combined Transport Directive | Cefic position

2023 Facts and Figures leaflet

The European Chemical Industry a vital part of Europe’s Future

Cefic’s views on the revision of the Union Customs Code

Powerpoint – 2023 Cefic Facts and Figures

Data files (xls) – 2023 Cefic Facts and Figures

PowerPoint and Data Files | 2023 Cefic Facts and Figures (zip file)

Download the 2021 Facts and Figures of the European Chemical Industry powerpoint presentation and the data files (xls).

Chemical (trends) monthly report – November 2023

EU27 chemical production up for first time in six quarters but overall production level remains low

Cefic’s views on Rail Capacity Management

Cefic views on the revision of the Weights & Dimensions Directive

Cefic welcomes the revision of the Weight and Dimensions Directive which aims to increase road transport efficiency, combined with incentivizing the uptake of low- and zero-emission vehicles.

Cefic views on the CountEmissions EU Regulation

Cefic considers the EU Commission’s proposal for the CountEmissions EU Regulation as a significant step forward in supporting the transport & logistics industry to reduce emissions.

7 Point Action Plan on Soil Monitoring Law

European soils are a valuable natural resource, and we call to prioritise their quality. This 7-point plan outlines how the Soil Monitoring Law could be revised to further protect the quality of soil and support the sustainable use of soil in the EU.

Clean Energy Supply Chain Calls for a Clean Industrial Deal | Joint Statement

Chemical (trends) monthly report – October 2023

A glimmer of hope from China?

Open Letter | Supply chain letter on the need for mass balance fuel-use exempt for chemical recycling

2023 Cefic Sustainability Progress Report

List of Cefic Associated Companies

Companies engaged in the production of chemicals in countries outside Europe in which Cefic has neither a Member Federation, nor an Associate Federation.

List of Cefic Partner Companies

European companies, not being engaged in the production of chemicals and with the activities closely linked to the European chemical industry

The Soil Monitoring and Resilience (Soil Monitoring Law) proposal | Cefic position

Joint letter NZIA – CCU is strategic to reach net zero objectives | Joint Statement

Bioeconomy | Cefic position : Delivering the bioeconomy agenda for 2024 and beyond

Cefic views on access to justice: compensation for damage to health

Chemical (trends) monthly report – September 2023

In Aug-23, EU27 consumer confidence recorded the first decline since Sep-22 

Chemical (trends) monthly report – August 2023

H1 2023: Low Demand, High Energy Costs Stifle European Chemicals Market  

Cefic views on the EU’s Free Trade Agenda

Cefic views on the EC initiative “Hazardous chemicals – prohibiting production for export of chemicals banned in the European Union”

Cefic’s submission to the Industrial Carbon Management consultation

Chemical Industry’s Manifesto for the 2024-2029 EU legislative term

Joint Industry Letter on the Urgent Need for an RFNBO Certification Framework

Best practice guidelines for loading transport and unloading of Flexitanks

EU-Mercosur Industry Coalition Joint Letter

Cefic response to the Commission public consultation on an EU climate target for 2040

Chemical (trends) monthly report – May 2023

SMEs Suggestion for REACH Revision

Chemical (trends) monthly report – April 2023

Cefic response to the consultation on Single Use Plastics Implementing Act

Net Zero Industry Act | Cefic position

Joint letter to the European Commission urging the adoption in 2023 of an EU-harmonized rule for calculating chemically recycled content through mass balance

33 European industry associations urge the EU to adopt rules to calculate chemically recycled content in plastics. 

Cefic position on the proposal of the European Commission amending the EU Electricity Market Design

Cefic views on the draft Delegated Acts on the four remaining environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy Regulation and amendments to the Climate Delegated Act

4th annual report | Cefic 2023 progress report on REACH Dossier Improvement Action Plan

Extended Producer Responsibility in water policies | Cefic position

From Waste to Resource: Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation Feedback (PPWR)

Digital Technologies for Sustainability in the European Chemical Industry | Digital Study

Arthur D. Little and the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) joined forces to prepare this report, which summarises the views of digital technology experts from within and outside the chemical industry.

Chemical (trends) monthly report – March 2023

Restoring sustainable carbon cycles – update March 2023 | Cefic position

5 things that need to happen now for chemical recycling to contribute to EU circular economy

Driving toward the future of materials: Considerations for Europe and the chemical industry

Cefic Statement on the Green Deal Industrial Policy and Net-Zero Industry Act

Chemical (trends) monthly report – February 2023

ACC – Cefic – U.S.-EU Trade and Technology Council-TTC – Recommendations from the Transatlantic Chemical Industry

Chemical (trends) monthly report – January 2023

Decreasing energy prices provide short relief, followed by strong decline in chemicals demand, still sentiment is up.

2022 Cefic Sustainability Progress Report

Cefic’s 2022 Sustainable Progress Report is a reflection of the work done to create supporting tools that can accelerate progress towards a sustainable future: Sustainable Development Indicators to measure the chemical industry’s progress, design principles for chemical innovations to be Safe and Sustainable-by-Design, and a holistic vision on sustainable carbon life cycles.

Cefic position paper on Chemical Recycling: Delivering recycled content to meet the EU’s circular economy ambitions – the Single Use Plastics Directive Implementing Act and the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive revision (SUPD & PPWR)

Cefic and WindEurope joint statement on the upcoming review of the Electricity market design

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – November 2022

Cefic submission on critical raw materials act | Open public consultation

Open letter of the EU industry calling for optional eligibility of low-carbon hydrogen to the hydrogen targets

Cefic views on access to justice/collective redress in the context of the REACH revision

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) can contribute to meeting Paris Agreement GHG emission ambition | Cefic position

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – October 2022

Energy crisis: the EU chemical industry is reaching breaking point | Cefic position

Cefic Statutes

Cefic Safe and Sustainable by Design Criteria Infographic

Towards an accurate accounting for carbon from biomass in the Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) | Position paper

Bio-based plastics | Cefic position

Biodegradable and compostable plastics (BDCP) | Cefic position

Statement by energy intensive industries on the outcome of the extraordinary energy council of 9th September 2022 | Joint Statement

10 point plan for an effective revision of the industrial emission directive (IED)

Joint letter on energy prices – President Ursula von der Leyen

Joint letter on energy prices – Minister Jozef Síkela

Chemical for the green deal

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – August 2022

Cefic response to Call for Evidence – ‘better access to chemicals data for safety assessments’ | Cefic position

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Proposal | Cefic position

The European Commission proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive | Cefic Views

Responsible Care webtool: User manual for national associations

Responsible Care webtool: User manual for sites

Responsible Care webtool: User manual for headquarters

Revision of the weight and dimensions directive | Cefic position

Industry alliance’s joint statement on RED II Delegated Acts

Unlocking a bioeconomy across Europe: How to scale up national strategies, build skills and fuel investments ? | Presentation Cefic Digital Dialogue 6th July 2022

Trans-European Transport Network1 (TEN-T) guidelines revision (COM (2021) 812) | Cefic position

Cefic views on the revision of the E-PRTR

Cefic Digital Dialogue – How can the REACH revision contribue to securing future-proiff products for Europe?

15th June 2022

Delegated Act Art 28 (5) RED II | Cefic Statement

Delegated Act Art 27 (3) RED II | Cefic Statement

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – June 2022

Chemicals output in most EU countries dropped significantly in March 2022; supply chain disruptions, labour shortages, and rising energy prices are expected to continue negatively affecting the sector in 2022

Responsible Care Management Framework

RC Management framework means to support companies in the evaluation of performance under the Responsible Care Global Charter.

List of Cefic Member Federations (AFEM) and Associate National Federations

National non-governmental federations representing the chemical industry in European countries

Upcoming European Commission REPowerEU Proposal I Cefic views

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – May 2022

2022 chemicals output still above the 2021 level, but the energy price shock and economic uncertainty lead to fallingdemand in key end-use sectors

Cefic Response to the European Commission call for comments on the draft revised rules on horizontal cooperation agreements between companies (“Draft Horizontal Guidelines”)

The chemical industry’s road to net zero

The EU Green Deal, which calls for net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050, will affect businesses across the board—but it will have a tremendous impact on Europe’s chemical industry as it brings both significant challenges and huge opportunities. To better understand this impact, Accenture and NexantECA, an energy and chemicals advisory company, conducted a comprehensive,…

Cefic views on the revision of the Environmental Crime Directive

Hydrogen Decarbonised Gas Market Package | Cefic Position

Analysis of the Impacts of the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability | Case Study Mixture Assessment Factor


Safe and Sustainable-by-Design Report: A transformative power

This report proposes guiding design principles for a selected set of safety and sustainability considerations, dimensions or criteria to be assessed at the level of product-application and more.

Chemical Recycling | Cefic position

The Green Deal is at the heart of the EU’s ambitions of becoming climate neutral. To meet the ambitious European objectives, much more waste plastic needs to be recycled and a broader range of markets need to be served with plastic products containing recycled content. In this respect Cefic highlights the potential of chemical recycling…

3rd Annual Report | Cefic 2022 progress report on REACH Dossier Improvement Action Plan

The soil health | Cefic view

Revision of the Waste Framework Directive | Cefic view

As a Responsible Care®-registered industry sector, we aim at investing in the best available technologies and adopting the best practices to reduce waste. The industry is developing technologies necessary to turn waste into valuable raw materials.

Bio economy | Cefic position

Cefic commends the ambition of the first European Bioeconomy Strategy and its noteworthy successes. The chemical industry sees a lot of untapped potential for the bioeconomy to contribute to the ambitions of the EU Green Deal. It calls for more certainty, visibility, consistency, and better policy coordination for the EU to be a frontrunner in bioeconomy

Cefic requirements and recommendations to boost Combined Transport | Cefic position

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) | Cefic position

As carbon leakage risks for the EU chemical industry are set to increase, effective carbon leakage prevention remains essential for the chemical industry’s transformation.

Waste shipments regulation WSR | Cefic views on Waste Shipment Regulation proposal

2010 HNS Convention | Cefic position

Transport and logistics digital collaboration and data sharing | Cefic position

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – December 2021

Chemical production is slightly above the pre-pandemic levels

Animal testing and the chemicals strategy for sustainability (A Joint statement from members of the European Parliament, civil society and Industry)

Cefic position on the Commission proposal amending the Energy Taxation Directive (ETD)

RED III | Cefic Position

EED | Cefic Position

LULUCF | | Cefic Position

ESR proposal | Cefic Position

ETS review | Cefic Position

ACC AND CEFIC welcome resolution of U.S section 232 tariffs and EU retaliatory tariff | Joint Statement

American Chemistry Council (ACC) President and CEO, Chris Jahn, and Cefic Director General, Marco Mensink, issued the statement in response to the U.S. and EU agreement to end the harmful tariffs impacting the transatlantic chemical industry.

Cefic umbrella position on the ‘Fit For 55’ package | Cefic position

2021 Cefic Sustainability Progress Report

Our 2021 Sustainability Progress Report highlights how we scaled up our sustainability actions to work towards the ambitions of the EU Green Deal: sharing views on Safe and Sustainable-By-Design, measuring performance, and driving the Circular Economy.

SULID – site unloaded information document Bulk liquid (IT)

How to get the interface between the REACH & OSH in motion? | Cefic position

Safe and Sustainable-by-Design Report: Boosting innovation and growth within the European chemical industry

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – September 2021

Chemical growth returning closer to pre-COVID19 levels but challenging times remain for industry

Best practice guidelines for safe Un-Loading of road freight vehicles

Calculating GHG transport and logistics emissions for the European Chemical Industry | Guidance

Survey in support of the Commission services’ work on the definition of Safe and Sustainable by Design criteria for chemicals and materials

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – July 2021

EU27 chemical output returns to pre-pandemic level but large differences across countries remain

Joint Statement NGO and industry call on the European Commission to include animal testing in REACH Impact Assessment and to do more to support non-animal methods

Cefic Response to the Consultation on the Taxonomy-Related Disclosures Delegated Act

Cefic analysis of 2020 cases of non-compliance with the EU chemical legislation:

data confirms an urgent need to step up enforcement of chemicals legislation for imported goods and online sales

The essential role of chemicals: Life Cycle Assessment of circular systems

Report from the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) The International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) is committed to playing a key role in the systemic transition to circular economy as a key component of sustainability.

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – May 2021

Industry data confirms green shoots of recovery but reveals highly challenging times remain for industry

How to introduce the ‘Essential Uses’ Concept under REACH (Concept Paper)

EU Soil Strategy | Cefic view

Soil and groundwater contamination prevention remains one of the chemical industry’s highest priorities, along with prompt remediation measures in case of accidental spills or long-lasting contamination. The industry applies the latest technologies and procedures to comply with the broad European2 and national legislation frameworks.

Cefic Supports Green Deal and Climate Neutrality

The Green Deal recognises that energy-intensive industries, such as chemicals, are indispensable for Europe’s transition, as solution providers to multiple value chains. Climate neutrality by 2050 means going through a deep transformation within just one or two investment cycles. The EU chemical industry intends to grasp the opportunities arising from the transition to a climate…

Treatment of GHG emissions under the IED | Cefic position

Cefic view paper on how to boost the Bioeconomy sector

Bio-Based Products (BBPs) developed by the chemical industry are key to support the European Green Deal and Europe’s ambition to become climate neutral by 2050, yet actions need to be taken to bring the bio-based production at scale.

Review of the Environmental Crime Directive | Cefic views

2nd Annual Report |Cefic 2020 progress report on REACH Dossier Improvement Action Plan

EU Taxonomy and transition financing | Cefic views

Cefic welcomes European Commission efforts to bring clarity and transparency on environmental sustainability to investors, companies and issuers. The chemical industry strives to continuously improve its production processes, to lower its carbon footprint and to enable further emissions reductions along the various value chains, while pioneering breakthrough and disruptive technologies. The EU Taxonomy must be…

Cefic ideas for an updated EU Industrial Strategy | Cefic position

Cefic welcomed the publication, in March 2020, of the EU Industrial Strategy. One year later, we support an update of the strategy to bring it more in line with the objectives of the EU Green Deal and the aftermath of the Covid crisis.

Methane emissions in the chemical industry | Cefic position

EC request to Cefic: the European Commission’s (EC) energy department (DG ENER) reached out to Cefic in January to get more information on methane emissions in the value chains of the chemical industry. The main idea of Cefic response is to show the EC that methane emissions from refineries and chemical plants represent only a…

A renewed trade policy for a stronger Europe

Declaration of support for the ICCA Responsible Care Global Charter

Sustainable Plastics Strategy – SusChem

A report by SusChem, the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry and its partners – Cefic, PlasticsEurope, European Plastics Converters (EuPC) and the European Composites, Plastics and Polymer Processing Platform (ECP4). December 2020 As an industry, we believe plastic waste in the environment is unacceptable and represents a massive loss of a valuable resource. One of the keys to…

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability | Cefic position

Cefic supports the public health and environmental goals of the strategy and shares the vision outlined by the European Commission in the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability.

Cefic Response to the Consultation on the First Taxonomy Delegated Act

Interplay between REACH & OSH legislation | Cefic view

Cefic sees OSH and REACH legislations as complementary to each other in the context of workers protection that must be risk-based and supported by a strong engagement of Social Partners in enhanced Social Dialogs. Cefic also recognises the need for clarification on the interface between these two legislative frameworks to avoid overlapping conclusions to help micro and SMEs assessing their risks and taking the appropriate level of protection for their Workers.

2030 target plans | Cefic position

Cefic position on the Commission proposal to step up Europe’s 2030 climate ambition

Cefic Chemical Trends Report – November 2020

Cefic Response to the European Commission call for contributions Competition Policy supporting the Green Deal

EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work 2021-2027 | Cefic views

Cefic supports the revision of the EU Strategic Framework on Health and Safety at Work for 2021-2027 to promote the higher Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) standards in Europe and elsewhere, to focus on better implementation of OSH acquis, and to ensure a science, data and risk-based policy involving Social Partners.

Commission’s legislative proposal to amend the Aarhus Regulation | Cefic views

Cefic acknowledges the efforts made by the Commission to address concerns raised by the Aarhus Convention Compliance Committee while preserving consistency with the EU Treaty system of legal remedies to ensure judicial review of EU acts – but remains concerned as to the consequences of the proposed legislative changes.

Revision of lists of pollutants affecting surface and groundwaters | Cefic views

Cefic supports the revision of lists of pollutants affecting surface and groundwaters based on new scientific developments and on a thorough data collection involving a proper consultation of relevant stakeholders.

Renewable H2: The emerging prospect for European chemical companies

Hydrogen is widely seen as vital to sustainability and to help meet EU goals for the reduction of CO2 emissions. Yet, there are still challenges that need to be addressed. For the chemical industry, the development of renewable hydrogen creates opportunities. For example, hydrogen can be used in place of the combustion of fossil fuels,…

Responsible Care Self-Assessment Web-Tool

The tool aims at strengthening support for companies towards improving the safe production, handling and use of chemicals across supply chains. The revised Responsible Care management framework and self-assessment questionnaire were launched in 2019 to support companies with their Responsible Care implementation. The self-assessment tool has now been enhanced and transformed into a digital webtool….

Responsible Care Management Framework and Self-Assessment Tool Q&A

EU Action Plan Towards a Zero Pollution Ambition for air, water and soil | Cefic views

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) Joint letter (reply) from Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans and Commissioner Sinkevičius, confirming that there would be no ‘regulatory overhaul’ and only a very ‘targeted revision’, as the strategy itself says

2020 Sustainability Progress Report

The 2020 Sustainability Progress Update gives an update on Cefic’s Sustainable Development programme and highlights a portfolio of indicators that Cefic has started to identify in 2020. The Sustainable Development Indicators (SDIs) will assess and drive the contribution of the EU chemical industry towards sustainability, aligned with the main areas of the Green Deal.

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) | Discussion paper: Enforcement and enforceability

This paper was developed in the context of a stakeholder dialogue that followed our submission to the EU Commission’s Roadmap consultation on the future Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. It is meant to trigger an exchange of policy ideas or suggestions to inform the dialogue but does not constitute the agreed position of Cefic or its Members.

Chemical Recycling: Greenhouse gas emission reduction potential of an emerging waste management route Commissioned by Study review

Chemical Recycling technologies have the potential to avoid greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions that can occur in both the feedstock production and from incineration of plastic waste. This positive environmental impact is confirmed by the new Quantis report “Chemical Recycling: Greenhouse gas emission reduction potential of an emerging waste management route”, which was commissioned by the…

Brexit: Preparing for a future «UK out of REACH scenario»

What you need to know – Practical considerations to maintain trade post Brexit

Implementation of the harmonised Risk Management Framework (RMF) | Cefic position

Safety in handling and transport of all chemicals is at the heart of the Transport and Logistics activities of Cefic’s members. Through the long-lasting Responsible Care programme, the European chemical industry has adopted a sustainable strategy aiming for “zero accidents” in chemicals logistics based on a coordinated continuous improvement approach.

Cefic Chemical Trends Report – September 2020

EU chemical output shows signs of fragile recovery, but remains 9% below the pre-crisis level

Human biomonitoring (HBM) | Cefic position

Cefic response to the Inception Impact Assessment on Taxonomy-related disclosures

Cefic supports the objectives of the European Green Deal and EU ambition to become climate neutral by 2050.1 As a sector “indispensable to Europe’s economy”2 and supplier of many key value chains, climate neutrality requires a deep transformation within limited investment cycles.

Good practice for ship vetting

2011 version 2011 – revised 2020

Potential Aarhus Regulation revision foreseen to broaden rules on Access to Justice | Cefic view

Following the legislative initiative announced in the Commission Roadmap on ‘better access to justice in environmental matters’, Cefic shares its views on the upcoming proposal to revise the Aarhus regulation which may lead to a privileged access to justice by environmental NGOs.

Recommendations to tackle the impact of driver shortage in the European chemical transport

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability | The Chemical industry and its contribution to the strategic industrial ecosystems for the Recovery (CSS)

“It is impossible to build a better future for Europe without a successful European chemical industry” We serve society with products that people value and that support people’s natural desires for better lives, a healthy planet, peace and prosperity. We are a €650 billion industry that produces everything from soaps to solvents and sealants and…

Circular economy action plan | Cefic answer to the Public consultation for Inception impact assessment regarding the upcoming initiative in the area of Consumer policy – strengthening the role of consumers in the green transition

Cefic welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the initiative undertaken by the European Commission about a new legislative proposal on strengthening the role of consumers in the green transition in line with Better regulation principles and criteria (effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, EU-added value).

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability | Cefic’s response to the Roadmap on the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)

Cefic calls for a Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) that recognises the essential role of chemicals to deliver climate ambitions, ensures a high level of safety and integrates holistically the multiple dimensions of the Green Deal – climate neutrality, materials circularity and resource efficiency – while boosting competitiveness and innovation to serve Europe’s strategic interests….

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability | Input Paper on the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS)

This paper outlines the preliminary views and proposals of the European chemical industry, as represented by Cefic, on the future Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability proposed by the European Commission under the EU Green Deal. Its content may evolve at the light of future developments. It is organised in two part: 1. an overview outlining the…

Circular economy action plan | Cefic answer to the Public consultation for Inception impact assessment regarding the upcoming initiative in the area of environmental performance of products & businesses – substantiating claims

Cefic welcomes the opportunity to provide feedback on the initiative undertaken by the European Commission about a new regulatory initiative on substantiating green claims regarding Environmental performance of products & businesses in line with Better regulation principles and criteria (effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence, EU-added value)

Waste Shipments Regulation WSR | Cefic Contribution to Publication Consultation on Waste Shipment Regulation

Waste Shipments Regulation WSR | Explanatory note based on Cefic position paper to support public consultation

Cefic proposal for carbon accounting

CCU can become more attractive if accounted for accordingly in the EU ETS.

Cefic statement on the EU Economic Recovery Plan

Ahead of the European Council meeting on 17 July the EU chemical industry calls on the EU member states to urgently agree an EU Recovery Plan to restart Europe’s economy and kick off investments towards a green and digital transition. 

Cefic Chemical Trends Report July 2020

The chemical industry shows some resilience amid economic recession, but decrease in total output is inevitable

EU Commission’s “Strategy for a Sustainable and Smart Mobility” Roadmap | Cefic position

Cefic supports the Green Deal and Europe’s ambition to become climate neutral by 2050. The Green Deal also recognizes the crucial role that the chemical industry plays in Europe’s transition, as a key solution provider to multiple value chains and as a contributor to low emission mobility. The EU chemical industry intends to grasp the…

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) | Discussion paper: Strategic chemicals

This paper was developed in the context of a stakeholder dialogue that followed our submission to the EU Commission’s Roadmap consultation on the future Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. It is meant to trigger an exchange of policy ideas or suggestions to inform the dialogue but does not constitute the agreed position of Cefic or its Members.

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) | Discussion paper: Strategic chemicals

This paper was developed in the context of a stakeholder dialogue that followed our submission to the EU Commission’s Roadmap consultation on the future Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. It is meant to trigger an exchange of policy ideas or suggestions to inform the dialogue but does not constitute the agreed position of Cefic or its Members.

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) | Discussion paper: Supporting Global chemicals management

This paper was developed in the context of a stakeholder dialogue that followed our submission to the EU Commission’s Roadmap consultation on the future Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. It is meant to trigger an exchange of policy ideas or suggestions to inform the dialogue but does not constitute the agreed position of Cefic or its Members.

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) | Discussion paper: Track and trace of Declarable substances for recycling June 2020

This paper was developed in the context of a stakeholder dialogue that followed our submission to the EU Commission’s Roadmap consultation on the future Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. It is meant to trigger an exchange of policy ideas or suggestions to inform the dialogue but does not constitute the agreed position of Cefic or its Members.

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) | Discussion paper: a level-playing field for the EU chemical industry

This paper was developed in the context of a stakeholder dialogue that followed our submission to the EU Commission’s Roadmap consultation on the future Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. It is meant to trigger an exchange of policy ideas or suggestions to inform the dialogue but does not constitute the agreed position of Cefic or its Members.

Climate policy and carbon leakage | Cefic position

The chemical industry’s initial thoughts on possible EU Border Adjustment Measures –

Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity

Accelerating Wind Turbine Blade Circularity

The future relationship negotiations between the EU and the UK (Brexit) | Cefic – CIA position

Cefic – CIA position on REACH related issues in the future relationship between the EU-27 and the UK (Brexit)

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) | Discussion paper: Safe and Sustainable by design

This paper was developed in the context of a stakeholder dialogue that followed our submission to the EU Commission’s Roadmap consultation on the future Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. It is meant to trigger an exchange of policy ideas or suggestions to inform the dialogue but does not constitute the agreed position of Cefic or its Members.

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) | Discussion paper: Simplification chemicals legislation

This paper was developed in the context of a stakeholder dialogue that followed our submission to the EU Commission’s Roadmap consultation on the future Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. It is meant to trigger an exchange of policy ideas or suggestions to inform the dialogue but does not constitute the agreed position of Cefic or its Members.

Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) | Discussion paper: Combined exposure and way forward

This paper was developed in the context of a stakeholder dialogue that followed our submission to the EU Commission’s Roadmap consultation on the future Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. It is meant to trigger an exchange of policy ideas or suggestions to inform the dialogue but does not constitute the agreed position of Cefic or its Members.

Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) | Discussion paper: Endocrine Disruptors

This paper was developed in the context of a stakeholder dialogue that followed our submission to the EU Commission’s Roadmap consultation on the future Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. It is meant to trigger an exchange of policy ideas or suggestions to inform the dialogue but does not constitute the agreed position of Cefic or its Members.

European Climate Law | Cefic position

Best Available Techniques (BREF) | Cefic position paper Cefic additional remarks and comments to the Art. 13 Forum Workshop on the next BREF review cycle

As suggested by DG ENV in the Art 13 Forum workshop on June 12, 2020, Cefic would like to use the opportunity for a submission of more detailed comments and arguments.

Single Wagonload Transport (SWT) | Cefic position

Joint Alliance submission to the 2030 Inception Roadmap

The Alliance of Energy Intensive Industries – Joint submission

Revision of Waste Shipments Regulation WSR | Cefic view

Winning in a Circular Economy: Practical steps for the European chemical industry

An Accenture report with support from Cefic.

1st Annual Report | Cefic 2019 progress report on REACH Dossier Improvement Action Plan

Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda (SIRA)

The new SusChem Strategic Innovation and Research Agenda (SIRA) focuses on technology priorities towards 2030, across advanced materials, advanced processes as well as the implementation and co-development of enabling digital technologies. Horizontal topics are equally addressed, including sustainability assessment innovation, safe-by-design for chemicals and materials, as well as building on education and skills capacity in Europe. The SIRA is the result…

Overview of the implementation of the UN Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) 2019

Joint statement by European business on the recast of the EU Regulation on Dual-Use Export Controls

Cefic Chemical Trends Report January 2020

Chemical valorisation of CO2 | Cefic position

Carbon is an essential element of most products needed by society, and carbon is part of the structure of most chemicals. Recycling carbon from CO2 (and CO from ‘industrial waste gases’) is one of the options that can be considered by the chemical industry to reduce the environmental footprint of chemicals and polymers, develop the…

The Alliance for a Competitive Industry (ACEI) Brochure

Cefic Chemical Trends Report October 2019

Level 1 chemical emergency reponse

2019 Sustainability Progress Report

The report captures initiatives taken by Cefic and its members as part of the chemical industry’s overall commitment to sustainable development.

The role of Cefic in promoting a sustainable development agenda

Joint statement for an ambitious Horizon Europe Programme

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – June 2019

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report (slides)– June 2019

Mid-Century Vision Report : Molecule Managers – Executive Summary

Responsible Care Guidance

Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain: Insights and Actions for the Chemical Industry

Accenture report with support from Cefic

Mid-Century Vision Report : Molecule Managers

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report (slides)– May 2019

Downloadable slides

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – May 2019

The chemicals output has slightly increased in Q1 2019

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – April 2019

Chemicals output continues to decline as the global economy slows down.

European Rail Freight and Rail Freight Corridors | Cefic position

Daniele Ferrari – Other Industries Rely On Us To Help Develop More Energy Efficient And Climate-Friendly Products

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report – February 2019

Output declines slightly amid global economic downturn

WTO modernisation | Cefic views

SQAS website

Cefic chemicals trends report – November 2018

Slower growth for EU Chemicals Sector

Guidance on implementation of SOLAS Chapter VI

Guidelines for the security of the transport of dangerous goods by road

Guidelines on subcontracting of chemical road Transport

Cefic Sustainability Charter: teaming up for a sustainable Europe

This Charter marks a step change in the commitment of Cefic to enable a more sustainable society, building on the Responsible Care Programme and the 2012 Sustainable Development Vision.

Europe needs safe and innovative nanotechnologies and nanomaterials

Nanotechnologies involve manufacturing and using materials at the smallest scale – they are part of the enabling technologies and processes that span most industry sectors and scientific disciplines.

Guidance risks precautions considered for bulk liquid loading unloading operations in road transport

Guidelines for 16 hours operation

Joint ECTA, EPCA, Cefic

Guidelines for safety awareness and behaviour in the supply chain

Joint ECTA, EPCA, Cefic

Safety risk assessment for chemical transport operations guidance

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk liquid (FR)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk packed (FR)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk solid (IT)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk solid (EN)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk solid (ES)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk solid (FR)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk packed (IT)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk packed (ES)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk packed (EN)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk packed (DE)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk liquid (ES)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document Bulk Liquid (EN)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document Bulk Liquid (DE)

SULID – Guidelines on how to use the site-UnLoading information document

Check lists avoiding leaks filling discharging

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk solid (DE)

SULID – Site UnLoading information document bulk liquid (IT)

Responsible Care Security Code

The Responsible Care Global Charter arose from an examination of chemical industry practices and performance that has evolved since the mid-1980s, and was shaped by considering the recommendations of independent stakeholders (SustainAbility Survey published February 2004).

Cefic Chemicals Trends Report -January 2019

The second half of 2018 proved more severe than expected, with production posting no growth from January to October 2018 compared to the same period of 2017. Chemicals prices rose 3.7% during the same period, while chemicals sales reached 3.9% through September 2018. Chemicals exports were up 4.2%, while chemicals imports jumped 7.0% through September 2018.

Alliance to end plastic waste

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste is made up of nearly 30 companies that have committed more than $1 billion, with the goal of investing $1.5 billion over the next 5 years to help end plastic waste in the environment. The Alliance will develop, deploy and bring to scale solutions that will minimize and manage…

Plastics Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda in a Circular Economy

Commission’s proposal establishing a Framework to Facilitate Sustainable Investment | Cefic views

Cefic considers that the “Taxonomy Proposal” may help mobilizing finance towards environmentally beneficial projects and foster cross-border investments by defining a common language for environmentally beneficial investments. This may promote retail and institutional investors’ interest for such investments.

Ambitious and comprehensive EU Industrial Strategy to enable industry’s contribution to the EU long-term GHG goals | Joint statement

Delphi study report The European Chemical Industry in a 2050 perspective

Study on the development of key areas withing Economy, Geopolitics, Society, Technology and Environment. Copenhagen Insitute for futures studies

The interface between chemical, product and waste legislation and identification of policy options | Cefic position

Cefic chemicals trends report – October 2018

Moderate growth in EU chemicals industry

EU Single Market | Cefic views

The Single Market is a major asset for a competitive chemical industry. Cefic encourages EU and Member State authorities to uphold and consolidate the Single Market.

Joint declaration on the legal framework to manage risks related to the use of reprotoxic substances at the workplace | Joint Statement

The chemical industry and trade unions today agreed on the future framework to further protect EU workers from the risks associated with exposure to substances toxic to reproduction at the workplace. In a joint declaration signed, the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), industriAll European Trade Union, the European Chemical Employers Group (ECEG) and the European…

Stocktaking of the Commission’s Better Regulation approach | Cefic views

Cefic welcomes progress under President Juncker’s Better Regulation Agenda and invites the incoming Commission to follow up on and deepen existing rules and practices.

Cefic chemicals trends report – September 2018

Chemicals growth remains positive, despite deteriorating world economic climate

A Bridge Towards a Carbon Neutral Europe

Industrial value chain. Europe’s Energy Intensive Industries contribution to the EU Strategy for long-term EU greenhouse gas emissions reductions

Combination effects of chemicals | Cefic position

Today, EU chemicals policy and risk management schemes predominantly focus on the safety of individual chemical substances. They protect public health and the environment by ensuring that no chemical substance is intentionally present in the environment at levels that might cause harm.

Chemicals Trends Report – August 2018

EU chemicals still growing steadily

Chemicals Trends Report – 28 June 2018

EU Chemicals Sector continues to grow

ECHA Cefic to Work on an Effective Implementation of REACH (MOU) | Joint statement

With the completion of the third registration deadline, REACH now regulates all chemicals on the EU market. Recognising that the 2018 Commission General Report on REACH calls on all actors to further improve REACH implementation and, in particular, on industry and ECHA to further improve the safety information and its communication in the supply chain,…

Transparency and sustainability of the EU risk assessment model in the food chaine EFSA | Cefic position

Chemicals Trends Report – 07 June 2018

EU Chemical Sector Still growing but losing momentum

REACH Annexes amendments to address nanoforms of substances: Cefic’s perspective

Cefic welcomes the vote of the REACH Committee on REACH Annexes amendments for nanomaterials. The adaptation of the Annexes is a meaningful step to reduce existing legal uncertainties and provide more clarity for the registration of nanomaterials under REACH. The issue remains, however, complex and some of the amendments can even create further confusion.

Best practice guidelines cleaning dry bulk polymer transport tanks

Joint ECTA EFTCO, Cefic

Transport of dangerous goods identification of defects in rail tank cars

Chemicals Trends Report – April 2018

Positive growth continues in 2018 for EU Chemicals sector.

Chemicals Trends Report – March 2018

EU Chemicals output climbs above its pre-crisis level

Cefic, ECEG and industriAll European Trade Union statement on Brexit

The UK’s decision to leave the EU presents a political and economic challenge that creates significant uncertainty for companies and their employees. Cefic, ECEG and industriAll Europe are united in their concern about the adverse impact that Brexit could have on the viability, international competitiveness and employment within Europe’s chemical industry on either side of…

Chemistry for Climate: Acting on the need for speed

March 2018 A report by the Royal Association of the Dutch Chemical Industry (VNCI)  VNCI’s 2050 roadmap points to the need for abundant and cheap renewable electricity and biomass as feedstock to chemicals. It outlines political and investments conditions to enable a lower carbon footprint of the Dutch chemicals industry.

Safe storage handling containers carrying dangerous goods hazardous substance

SPIRE 2050 vision towards the next generation of European process industries

Safety Health Environment Management practices for logistics services provider

Joint ECTA, EPCA, Cefic

Chemicals Trends Report – January 2018

The EU chemicals sector faring better and closer to its pre-crisis level

European bioeconomy stakeholders Manifesto

Cefic and CIA joint statement on Brexit and the future

Avoiding greenhouse gas emissions : the essential role of chemicals: Quantifying the global potential

Report by Ecofys, ICCA and a Navigant company. The study carried out by Ecofys finds that the chemical industry has the possibility to make an important contribution to a low carbon future. Solutions from the chemical industry could enable significant emission reductions and support the goal of the UNFCCC Paris Agreement of restricting global warming…

Greenhouse gas emission reductions enabled by products from the chemical industry

An International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA) and Ecofys Report October 2017 The objective of this study is to assess the global contribution of the chemical industry to selected six solutions in the context of limiting average temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius, as agreed on in the Paris Agreement in 2015. Despite the small…

Chemistry 4.0: Growth through Innovation in a transforming wolrd

A report by Deloitte and the German chemical industry Association (VCI) September 2017 The chemical and pharmaceutical industry in Germany is changing. Especially the factors digitalization, sustainability and circular economy play a decisive role. The study ‘Chemistry 4.0’ is examining this new development phase and shows which growth opportunities through innovations the chemical industry in…

Low carbon energy and feedstock for the European chemical industry

A study commissioned by Cefic and conducted by Dechema July 2017 This report represents the joint contribution from 11 European Energy Intensive Industries (EIIs) – iron and steel, cement, chemicals and fertilizers, refineries, non-ferrous metals, ferro- alloys and silicon, pulp and paper, ceramics, lime, and glass – to the European Commission’s Strategy for long-term EU…

Aarhus Compliance Committee Findings on Access to Justice in the EU | Industry views

Safety advice for storage and handling of anhydrous titanium tetrachloride

Taking the European chemical industry into the circular economy

An Accenture/Cefic report April 2017 Sustainability has become a vital part of many business strategies across industries, and that has prompted growing interest in the circular economy— including among European chemical companies. The advent of the circular economy is likely to lead to significant changes for the industry, along with fundamental challenges. But it could…

Cefic – EBPF Comments on CA Document CA-April17-Doc.3.1.a & b: Draft criteria for the determination of endocrine-disrupting properties under the BPR

Cefic-EBPF is disappointed that the Commission has retained the term ‘substance’ instead of the term ‘active substance’, despite the legal and procedural arguments made by Industry in December1 2016 and February 20172.

Guidelines for managing change in a chemicals supply chain

Safety guidelines for working around rail cars in chemical sites

Safety guidelines for working around railcars in chemical sites (German Version)

Extension of the scope of the proposed endocrine disruptors criteria from ‘active substances’ to ‘substances’ in the biocidal products regulation (528/2012)

ECTA Cefic guidelines for standardized coding of transport events

Circular economy | Cefic view

The European chemical industry supports the transition towards a circular economy as part of a strategy to make Europe more resource efficient. This can be achieved both by avoiding unnecessary material and energy losses throughout the life-cycle of products and maximising value by keeping resources circulating in loops.

Respiratory sensitisation | Cefic views

Cefic is committed to ensuring that the health of workers and the safety of products are top priorities for the chemical industry. This paper focuses on the management of substances with respiratory sensitising potential.

Cefic guidance on process safety indicators

introduces universally applicable process safety Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). It became effective September 2016. During a period of four years all chemical associations are requested to host national workshops in order to roll out this new guidance in their respective countries.

Independant peer review study ex post investigation of cost pass through EU ETS an analysis of 6 sectors

Guidelines for safe degassing of Rail Tank Cars

Guidance on the design, construction and testing of standard rail tank cars for the transport of chemicals in bulk

Setting the right criteria to identify endocrine disruptors

There is concern about the possible negative effects of endocrine disruptors on human health and the environment. Although these substances are currently regulated by the interim criteria in place in the plant protection products and biocides products regulations, achieving regulatory clarity is in everyone’s interest.

Cefic views on Market Economy Status (MES) for China

Market Economy Status (MES) plays a key role in deciding how an exporting country, in this case China, will be treated for the calculation of dumping margins in the context of anti-dumping investigations by the EU. Meaning that where a market economy method is applied in the dumping calculations, the level of dumping margin will…

Skin sensitisation | Cefic views

Best practice guidelines safety quality guidelines for unloading polymers in bulk

Rules of Origin for Chemical Chapters 28 to 40 under Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)

Following the UK’s departure from the European Union on 31st January 2020 and the transition period, both sides are now negotiating a future trade relationship. A priority in these negotiations is the conclusion of a trade agreement that will be the core of the future economic relationship.

Rules of Origin for Chemical Chapters 28 to 40 in context of the EU-UK negotiations

Guidelines for investigation logistics incidents identifying root causes (EN)

Guidelines for investigation logistics incidents identifying root causes (DE)

Innovative chemistry for energy efficiency of buildings in smart cities

suschem and smart cities and communities

Chemicals safety in the value chain

How the European chemical industry manages safe use of chemicals

Intermodal transport network development report

Guidance to Responsible Care Global Charter

Responsible Care Global Charter

Responsible Care is the global chemical industry’s environmental, health and safety (EHS) initiative to drive continuous improvement in performance. It achieves this objective by meeting and going beyond legislative and regulatory compliance, and by adopting cooperative and voluntary initiatives with government and other stakeholders.

Best practice guidelines safe tipping silo truck strailers silo containers bag in box containers

Behaviour based safety guidelines training drivers safe driving road freight vehicles

Joint ECTA, Cefic

Biodiverstiy and Ecosystem services – what are they all about?

Best practice guidelines for safe working at height-in the logistics supply chain

Report on the importance of trade secrets for chemical companies

This report aims at illustrating what are trade secrets or confidential business information and their importance for the chemical sector, by providing better insight on the way they are used. It also contains a description of the problems encountered by companies due to the lack of effective protection at EU level.

Sustainability of products: what it is all about

This document is an introduction to how sustainability may apply to chemicals in practice. It explains approaches that industry can use to make science-based choices in product development and assessment. It is particularly aimed at smaller companies, as part of Cefic’s programme to help deliver the chemical industry’s vision.

Guidelines for transport equipment packed cargo

Chemical logistics vision 2020

the next decade’s key trends, impact and solution areas

Guidelines for transportation security

Equipment for the transport of dry bulk cargo, to be discharged by tipping

Transporting ammonia by rail

guidance produced by EFMA

Maximising performance

the power of supply chain collaboration

Supply chain excellence in the European Chemical Industry

Results of the EPCA-Cefic supply chain excellence Think Tank sessions