Transport and Logistics Guidance

The chemical industry contributes to the sustainability of its transport operations

Ensuring safe, competitive and efficient transport/ handling of products, with care for the environment and in full compliance with regulations is of key importance to the European chemical industry.

The chemical industry is therefore undertaking a wide range of activities and voluntary initiatives to promote excellence in chemical supply chain operations. These initiatives have resulted in a series of best practices guidelines addressing a wide variety of topics, developed in close collaboration with the transport industry. Opportunities for further improvements are continuously being explored.

In a joint Cefic/ Deloitte Chemical Logistics Vision 2020 report, are predicted and future strategies recommended.

Sustainable logistics : measuring and managing CO2 Emissions of European Chemical Transport 

Updated guidance available to support the chemical sector further reduce its environmental impact of freight transportation. The updated guidance “Calculating GHG transport and logistics emissions for the European Chemical Industry” is a collaboration between Cefic and Smart Freight Centre (SFC), creating a new Module for the Global Logistics Emissions Council (GLEC) Framework. The guidance aims to help the sector gain deeper insights into the GHG emissions from the transportation of goods for both inbound to production plants and outbound to customers. 

Intermodal Transport

One of the most prominent targets of the EU Transport White paper is the ambition to shift 30 % of road freight transported more than 300 kilometers to other modes such as rail or waterborne transport by 2030. To meet this goal the EU has recognised that this will require the development of appropriate new infrastructure, the upgrading of existing infrastructure and the development of multimodal terminals.

Chemical companies have largely already captured current intermodal transport opportunities, finding it difficult to further increase modal shift without jeopardising service levels.

A Cefic report on Intermodal Transport Network Developmentidentifies the obstacles and options for further increasing the intermodal share of chemical transport operations, in the context of the EU goal to shift 30% of road transport to intermodal transport. Recommendations present measures that should be taken by the different stakeholders to allow a further increase in the share of intermodal transport.

Download the intermodal transport position paper.

International regulations for the transport of dangerous goods

Cefic strives to ensure that international regulations for the transport of dangerous goods are in line with best industry practice. Cefic supports the highest possible international and inter-modal harmonisation of the regulations.

Cefic has a long-standing observer status with most official international regulatory bodies in this field, allowing the European chemical industry to promote its views on issues of interest such as UN Model Regulations, ADR (road), RID (rail), IMDG Code (sea, packaged goods), IBC Code (sea, bulk), ICAO TI (air), etc.

Safety & Quality Assessment for Sustainability (SQAS)

SQAS helps logistics service providers in identifying and improving their weaknesses and assists chemical companies in evaluating them. SQAS is a means for continuous improvement and therefore an important element of Responsible Care applied to logistics operations.

SQAS is an assessment system of logistics service providers and distributors. SQAS covers all key service providers in the land-logistics chain: road transport companies, tank cleaning stations, warehouses, transfer terminals and rail carriers.

Chemical Contributors (ESAD)

A similar scheme (ESAD) has been developed for chemical distributors, in co-operation with the European Chemical Distributors Association (FECC).

The same concept has also been applied for sea and barge transport through the Chemical Distribution Institute (CDI) and the European Barge Inspection Scheme (EBIS). All assessment reports are stored in a central database and are accessible to interested chemical and transport companies, members of the SQAS Service Group.

Intervention in Chemical Transport Emergencies (ICE)

ICE is a co-operative programme, set up by the European chemical industry to ensure safe transport of goods to and from its manufacturing sites and storage locations, in full compliance with the relevant regulations and codes of practice.

In the event of an incident, the chemical industry will provide information, practical help and, if necessary and possible, appropriate equipment to the competent emergency authorities in order to minimise any adverse effects.  

Emergency Response Intervention Cards (ERICards)

ERICards is Cefic emergency instructions  guidance on the initial actions to be taken by fire brigades in case of chemical transport accidents. ERICards are currently available in 19 languages.