Best available techniques (BREFs)
To collect information on the Best Available Techniques (BAT) for limiting industrial emissions, the European Commission organises an exchange of information between Member States, the industries concerned, and environmental non-governmental organisations. The information collection, resulting in BAT Reference Documents (BREFs), is a complex, multistep and technical process. Once finalised, the BREFs impact all major manufacturing sectors across Europe with binding requirements for emissions. To participate in the BREF process as an industry representative, Cefic is a member of several Technical Working Groups (TWG), led by the European Integrated Pollution Prevention Control Bureau, as well as the Article 13 Forum of Directorate-General Environment (DG ENVI).
Improving our environmental performance
Reducing industrial emissions is a central target for the chemical industry. We are committed to working as a sector to constantly improve our production processes, to contribute to the shift towards a resource efficient, circular and low-carbon economy, and share our knowledge in doing so with others. The European Commission appreciates Cefic’s contribution to continuous improvement of industry’s environmental performance via the BREF process, and Cefic is fully aligned with the key reduction targets of the Industrial Emissions Directive. To support the Commission in applying the IED, Cefic is actively participating in Commission’s BREF review process.
Cefic’s position
Cefic believes that to properly evaluate the Best Available Techniques for limiting industrial emissions, it is essential to consider the specifics of each sector in terms of industrial production. Furthermore, as the BREF process is a data driven process, we support the best possible and broad collection of data, including as many stakeholders as possible. BREFs should, in our view, only cover a limited number of real key substances, i.e. substances that are of sufficient relevance across all chemical sectors and across Europe. In contrast, substances of limited or local/regional concern should be covered by the relevant national legislation.
Position paper and supporting documents
Best Available Techniques (BREF) | Cefic position paper Cefic additional remarks and comments to the Art. 13 Forum Workshop on the next BREF review cycle
As suggested by DG ENV in the Art 13 Forum workshop on June 12, 2020, Cefic would like to use the opportunity for a submission of more detailed comments and arguments.