The future of Europe is made with industry

Calling for a European Competitiveness Deal, the Heads of State today have clearly recognised the call for an Industrial Deal from over 1000 business leaders in the Antwerp Declaration.
Business leaders and Trade Unions across 25 sectors and the wide EU Economy have asked for a strong and urgent response to secure EU’s industrial competitiveness, save high quality jobs for European workers in Europe and bridge the growth and investment gap towards our global counterparts to implement the Green Deal.
The European Council today has made the first step forward, based on the results of the Clean Transition Dialogues and Enrico Letta’s High-Level Report on the future of the EU Single Market. But there is more to come. A core part of the conclusion is the recognition that the European Council should also monitor progress and regularly meet on the competitiveness agenda. Cefic appreciates the recognition of chemicals to regain Europe’s industrial resilience and competitiveness. We fully agree that urgent and decisive action is needed, and welcome the openness to work with stakeholders to build Europe’s industrial policy.
“We expect these conclusions and the Letta report to be re-enforced by the upcoming report from Mario Draghi on the Competitiveness of Europe and translated into the EU Strategic Agenda and Political Guidelines for the next European Commission. It is crucial these key statements are now laid down not only on paper but also in the structure and political guidelines for the next European Commission after the EU elections. We look forward to the next European Commission President’s announcement of a 1st Vice President for an Industrial Deal in the next State of the Union” says Marco Mensink, Cefic Director General.