Cefic partners again with the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work

20th November 2020, – Cefic is proud to be accepted for another year as an official campaign partner to the European Union information agency for occupational safety and health’s (EU OSHA) Healthy Workplaces under the theme ‘Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load’. For this campaign, Cefic will raise awareness of the importance of preventing musculoskeletal disorders across the chemical industry through providing access to information across its network.
“Workers’ safety is a priority for the chemical industry. It is in our DNA and at the core of our operations starting at research and development, all the way through to the use of chemical products. We are proud to be part of the EU OSHA’s Healthy Workplaces Lighten the Load’ campaign 2020-2022, and join forces in helping to improve the worker wellbeing”
William Garcia, Cefic Executive Director HSE, Responsible Care and Supply Chains
For the European chemical industry, the safety of workers and enhancing health and safety in the workplace is a top priority. Cefic has long supported and contributed to the ongoing improvement of worker safety issues through a combination of voluntary initiatives, like Responsible Care, and specific action programs.