Cefic develops a new European Responsible Care® management framework and self-assessment tool

Cefic develops a new European Responsible Care® management framework and self-assessment tool

25 June 2019, Cefic has developed a new European Responsible Care management framework to pave the way for more European chemicals manufacturers to join the Responsible Care family whilst enhancing the industry’s reputation and trust.  

Launched back in the mid-eighties in Canada, the Responsible Care initiative is now implemented by 62 chemical associations in nearly 70 economies around the globe, including in Europe where some 30 countries and more than 4,000 companies are practising Responsible Care. 

The new European Responsible Care management framework, a pdf guidebook explaining the concepts and overall approach is accompanied by a self-assessment tool which is a multiple-choice questionnaire in excel. Both instruments are valuable to companies and national associations to guide them towards excellence.   

To help companies to grow over time, four maturity levels have been created:  

  • Commit to Responsible Care,
  • Initiate and Plan,
  • Improve Continuously,
  • Promote and Sustain Excellence.  

These levels reflect the maturity of Responsible Care implementation.   

The updated system links Responsible Care to the highest possible standards, ncluding ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO50001, ISO45001, ISO26000, EMAS, RC14001 and RCMS, along with Sustainability Principles such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Cefic Sustainability Charter and ChemistryCan initiative.   

It is based on the six elements of the Responsible Care Global Charter and contributes to a harmonised approach to Responsible Care at the global level, whilst allowing national associations to further develop their regional Responsible Care implementation.