Joint Business statement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D)

Cefic views on the draft Delegated Acts on the four remaining environmental objectives of the EU Taxonomy Regulation and amendments to the Climate Delegated Act

Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Proposal | Cefic position

The European Commission proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive | Cefic Views

Cefic Response to the Consultation on the Taxonomy-Related Disclosures Delegated Act

EU Taxonomy and transition financing | Cefic views

Cefic welcomes European Commission efforts to bring clarity and transparency on environmental sustainability to investors, companies and issuers. The chemical industry strives to continuously improve its production processes, to lower its carbon footprint and to enable further emissions reductions along the various value chains, while pioneering breakthrough and disruptive technologies. The EU Taxonomy must be…

Cefic Response to the Consultation on the First Taxonomy Delegated Act

Cefic response to the Inception Impact Assessment on Taxonomy-related disclosures

Cefic supports the objectives of the European Green Deal and EU ambition to become climate neutral by 2050.1 As a sector “indispensable to Europe’s economy”2 and supplier of many key value chains, climate neutrality requires a deep transformation within limited investment cycles.

Commission’s proposal establishing a Framework to Facilitate Sustainable Investment | Cefic views

Cefic considers that the “Taxonomy Proposal” may help mobilizing finance towards environmentally beneficial projects and foster cross-border investments by defining a common language for environmentally beneficial investments. This may promote retail and institutional investors’ interest for such investments.