Sustainability meets innovation: Digital Products Passports

Digital Product Passport is a key tool to enhance end-to-end traceability of products, promote circularity and share sustainability attributes of products with consumers and supply chain actors. It represents a secure digital record that complements standard information included in product manuals and labels and provides transparency about product life cycle across the entire value chain.

Depending on product types, Digital Product Passports may contain information about product provenance and authenticity, descriptions of materials and components used in production processes, recycled contents, product history, certifications, environmental footprint profile, recycling instructions along with other information relevant for manufacturers, recyclers, consumers and authorities. Digital Product Passports are becoming the norm for all EU-regulated products, as initially outlined in the EU’s Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR). This requires products to be tagged, identified and linked to data relevant to their circularity and end-to-end traceability across the value chain.

Accelerating the circular economy with a digital platform for ingredient transparency and material value retention

Niaga, an innovation venture of Covestro, is developing a universal circularity platform that provides ingredient transparency through Digital Product Passports to all relevant value chain stakeholders, while protecting intellectual property and confidential business information.

For products with a scannable Niaga’s tag linked to the respective Digital Product Passports, factual and detailed information on product ingredients, components, provenance, carbon footprint, recycled content, return route, recyclability and other attributes necessary to keep valuable materials in the loop can be easily accessed and effectively shared among the value chain players.

This interoperable platform and associated Digital Product Passports represent an essential infrastructure enabling circularity and underline the importance of material stewardship, transparency and traceability of products across various industries.

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