Responsible Care rejuvenated

Care for people and planet

The Responsible Care programme is the chemical industry’s long-standing voluntary commitment to improving safe production, handling and use of chemicals across supply chains.

Cefic rejuvenated its Responsible Care programme in 2019 to promote the reporting on key metrices which:

  • can quantify the contributions of the industry on providing solutions for sustainable development challenges;
  • boost awareness and knowledge on vital process safety and security operations of the chemical industry;
  • and enhance further the concept of the circular economy within chemical operations.

Cefic regularly engages in capacity building activities to promote the programme and instruct companies how to use it effectively. These activities include participating in workshops at national, regional and international level and by providing trainers and training materials for Responsible Care. 

Associated SDG targets

SDG Good Health and Well-being
UN SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 12-ResponsibleConsumptionAndProduction
SDG 17-PartnershipsForTheGoals