New appointments at Cefic

We are pleased to announce that there have been some new appointments at Cefic as we enter the New Year, including few external hires and internal changes. To complete the restructuring of Cefic’s Climate Change and Energy team which is being strengthened in response to the European Commission’s larger focus on energy and climate policy in the Green Deal, we welcome Nicola Rega as our new Director of Energy, joining Cefic from CEPI. Following the reinforcement of the policy team, we are pleased to announce that Peter Botschek, former Director of Energy will head our Industrial Policy and Competitiveness team and Florie Gonsolin, former Manager Energy & Climate takes the reins as Director of Climate Change Transformation.
Further to these appointments in our Climate Change and Energy team, we are also delighted to share that Servet Gören will be in charge of International Affairs, and Irene van Luijken will now lead a Project WE on organisational change communications. In preparation of the upcoming retirement of René van Sloten, Executive Director of Industrial policy (due to take place in September 2021) Cefic’s Industrial Policy and the Climate Change and Energy teams will be combined into one four-unit team to be led by Charles-Henri Robert, Executive Director of Climate Change and Energy. Till September Charles-Henri will transition with René for Industry Competitiveness and International Affairs.