Cefic Statement on the Competitiveness Compass

Cefic Statement on the Competitiveness Compass

Following the publication of the Competitiveness Compass, which outlines a new approach to competition policy and announces measures to close the innovation gap, reduce bureaucracy, and speed up approval processes, Marco Mensink, Cefic Director General, stated:

With this new direction in policy, the European Commission is sending an important signal. The calls of almost 1300 industry leaders, united through the Antwerp Declaration, have not only been heard but are being actioned upon. Now that we are on the road to boosting competitiveness, let’s speed it up.

It is ten past twelve – our industry is beyond the breaking point. For the sake of our industry and the 1.2 million workers it directly employs, we need urgent action and affordable energy. We are keen to see the next steps for the Chemicals Industry Package. Let’s bring back clarity, predictability, and confidence in Europe and its industrial policy, and above all, investments in Europe.

Marco Mensink, Cefic Director General