Cefic reacts on Horizon Europe proposal

Brussels, 29 August 2018 – Cefic welcomes the EC Horizon Europe proposal’s ambition to make Europe an unparalleled global innovation hub and recognition given to the innovative and enabling role of industry, by placing the pillar of the ‘Global Challenges & Industrial Competitiveness’ at the heart of the programme. The proposal is the largest European Union Research and Innovation programme so far with a proposed budget of approximately €100 billion for the period 2021 – 2027. 

Announced in June, the proposed programme drives the EC’s ambition of making Europe an unparalleled global innovation hub. The three pillars in the programme reflect the Commission’s vision on the future of innovation in Europe.

  1. Open Science: Reinforcing and extending the excellence of the Union’s science base
  2. Global Challenges & Industrial Competitiveness: Boosting key technologies and solutions underpinning EU policies & Sustainable Development Goals
  3. Open Innovation: Stimulating market-creating breakthroughs and ecosystems conducive to innovation

Key for investment and growth of the European chemical industry is the Digital and Industry cluster in the Horizon Europe programme covering industrial processes development, (advanced) materials innovation, and new business model creation.  

Cefic’s Horizon Europe Position Paper highlights that a future-oriented EU R&I Ecosystem requires a well-balanced combination and perfect orchestration of Innovation, Industry and Impact, under the guidance of excellence and directed by the Innovation Principle.