Boosting low-carbon electricity in Europe: Cefic offers policy recommendations and takes leadership role to maximise the potential of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)

Industrial Emissions Directive Policy Matters

The role that nuclear energy can play in helping Europe to reach its climate ambitions has been highlighted in the European Commission Net-Zero Industry Act, and an emerging nuclear technology to deliver the vast amounts of low-carbon electricity is known as Small Modular Reactors (SMRs). These are compact, modular nuclear power plants which can be set up on, or in close proximity to, industrial sites to generate low-carbon electricity and heat.

SMRs hold particular promise for an energy intensive industry, like chemicals, which increasingly and heavily depends on accessing abundant and cost-competitive supplies of low-carbon energy.

Yesterday Cefic was named Chair of the European Commission’s Technical Working Group on industrial applications as part of the EU Commission’s Industrial Alliance on SMRs. On this occasion, Cefic published two study papers, one looking at the potential of SMR deployment in the chemical industry, and the other outlining the critical enabling conditions for SMRs and issuing related policy recommendations.

“It is imperative that we quickly find solutions to help us meet Europe’s climate ambitions, and our industry is dedicated to researching and driving forward those that have real potential. SMRs could be one of the solutions we need, offering stable lower cost energy supplies while helping to abate emissions and reduce CO2 costs. We are proud to lead the European Commission’s Technical Working Group on industrial applications offering our industry’s expertise and policy recommendations.”

Nicola Rega, Executive Director, Climate Change and Energy