Become a Member
Members Benefits
As a Cefic Member, you can benefit from access to:
- Over 75 Sector Groups in three industry sectors, working on more than 100 chemical product families,
- Programme Councils, Advisory Fora and other working Structures dealing with the industry’s strategic issues (e.g. Sustainability, Climate Change and Energy, Health, Safety and Environment, Product Stewardship and Industrial Policy),
- Issues and activities information,
- News about the industry and the EU institutions,
- European and global chemical industry statistics,
- Cefic seminars and workshops,
- The yearly Chemical Convention,
- A broad range of ad-hoc services.
Partners benefits
As a partner Company or an Associated Company, you can benefit from:
- Issues and activities information
- News about the industry and the EU institutions
- The yearly Chemical Convention
- Cefic activities/workshops/events
- Over 80 Sector Groups in three industry sectors, working on more than 100 chemical product families