Our contribution to EU27 industry

Within the EU27, 29,000 companies are operating in the chemical sector, according to 2020 data (1). Chemicals, encompassing pharmaceuticals, rubber, and plastics, contribute significantly, making up 12.3% (3.4 million people) of total EU27 manufacturing employment (27.7 million people).

The EU27 chemical sector stands out as a leading industry due to its highly educated and trained workforce, complemented by sustained high investments. Over the period from 2008 to 2023, labour productivity in the EU27 chemical industry declined at an average annual rate of 1.0% (CAGR). The drop in EU27 chemical labour productivity started to be very significant since 2021.

In terms of investment, chemicals (including pharmaceuticals, rubber, and plastics) take the lead in EU27 manufacturing, constituting 17.7% of the total investment, with automotive and food following. The petrochemicals sector accounts for more than 25% of the EU27 chemical sector’s overall investment.

(1) the latest complete data available from Eurostat-SBS database

Top 10 sectors account for 70% of total EU27 manufacturing enterprises

Number of enterprises in the EU27 manufacturing industry (2020): top 10


Consumer chemicals has the highest number of chemicals enterprises

Number of enterprises in the EU27 chemicals industry (2020): top 10

__FactsandFigures2024_ch4_2_Number of enterprises in the EU27 chemicals industry (2020)- top 10

Chemicals is the fourth-largest producer in EU27 manufacturing sector

Top 10 sectors: EU27 turnover (€ billion, 2018)

__FactsandFigures2024_ch4_3_Top 10 sectors- EU27 turnover (2018)

Chemicals* is the leading sector in terms of added value

Top 10 sectors: EU27 added value (€ billion, 2018)

__FactsandFigures2024_ch4_4_Top 10 sectors- EU27 added value (2018)

Petrochemicals has the highest added value in EU27 chemicals sector

Added value in the EU27 chemicals industry (2020): top 10

__FactsandFigures2024_ch4_5_Added value in the EU27 chemicals industry (2020)- top 10

Chemicals* contribute 12% of EU27 manufacturing employment

Top 10 sectors: EU27 number of employees (millions of employees 2020)


Consumer chemicals is the largest employer in the EU27 chemicals sector

Number of employees in the EU27 chemicals industry (2020): Top 10

__FactsandFigures2024_ch4_7_Number of employees in the EU27 chemicals industry (2020)- top 10

EU27 Labour productivity declines at 1.0%

Labour productivity in the EU27 chemical industry

__FactsandFigures2024_ch4_8_Labour productivity in the EU27 chemical industry

Chemicals* is the largest investor in EU27 manufacturing sector

Top 10 sectors: EU27 investment (€ billion, 2018)

__FactsandFigures2024_ch4_9_Top 10 sectors- EU27 investment (2018)

Petrochemicals is the largest investor in the EU27 chemicals sector

Capital spending in the EU27 chemicals industry (2020): top 10


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