Transforming tyres into long-lasting roads

In mathematics, two negatives make a positive. Sometimes this also applies to real life issues. On the one hand, when tyres come to the end of their life, they cause a tremendous amount of waste. On the other hand, creating good quality asphalt for our roads has always been a challenge.

The tyres on the wheels of cars run 40,000 km or more during which time they suffer significant wear. MOL Group and Pannon University developed a patented technology in Hungary for using end-of-life tyres (crumb rubber) as a modifying agent to improve asphalt characteristics.

By adding 15% of waste tyres to bitumen, the resulting product has improved resistance to heavy load, fatigue and low temperatures, avoiding rutting and cracking on the surface. Also, it can be directly used within the existing road construction process.

Sustainability is a journey. Until we reach our destination, we need to find solutions that improve current conditions. This example is one such solution, which helps us forward to a circular economy.

Associated SDGs

UN SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 12-ResponsibleConsumptionAndProduction

SDG 17-PartnershipsForTheGoals